El Rincon Latino
In the Latin American Corner, the focus is on offers and initiatives related to Latin America. The aim is to give an overview of initiatives, to make contacts known and thus to give you access to other people.
Veinte +1
VEINTE + eins is a non-profit association for the promotion and support of various activities of the Latin American community in Switzerland. This association will contribute to better integration by creating working groups for learning the language, giving informative lectures and organizing cultural events during the year; At these events each member has the opportunity to offer their services, advertise their trade and take part in various activities to improve integration.
More information about Veinte eins is available here .
CocinArte offers many different homemade and traditional Colombian dishes in the Zurich area. The kitchen follows the recipe from the grandmother with high quality ingredients and with the aim of keeping the tradition of Colombian cuisine alive and promoting it. The owner prepares all the dishes freshly at home - the food can then either be picked up or delivered. The dishes include, for example, pan de bonos, almojábanas, arepas de peto dulces, rellenas de queso y / o bocadillo, pasteles de yuca (carimañolas), empanadas de papa y carne, mantecada, torta negra tradicional or tortas rústicas artesanales, bizcochos .
It is best to contact you directly via Facebook