Overview of our partners in coffee
On this page you will find a compilation of our most important partners in the coffee value chain.
Leading experts in the Swiss coffee market. The coffee makers are roasters, baristas and coffee sensoryists and have gained experience in all areas of coffee - from coffee cultivation, industry as well as cafes and roasters. It all comes together at the coffee makers. The goal is to make coffee better, with quality in taste and under good conditions for everyone along the coffee chain. That is what they are committed to.
With coffee makers, we develop the roasting profiles of our coffees and roast in co-roasting.
You can find out more about the coffee makers at www.kaffeemacher.ch

Algrano is an innovative Swiss platform, which has established itself in the coffee market and networked coffee roaster with local producers in the coffee growing areas.
At the same time, Algrano offers the implementation of coffee exports and also provides support in all matters relating to coffee exports around the world.
Algrano supports us in importing our coffees directly from Colombia.
More about Algrano at www.algrano.ch